EmilyMay 31 min readIntroductionExploring the Enigma: The Legend of Atlantis As the sands of time bury the remains of history, one tale stands as a testament to human...
EmilyMay 22 min readCharacter AnalysisThe philosopher credited with the tale of Atlantis is known as Plato. Born in Athens around 428 BCE to Ariston and Periction, Plato was...
EmilyMay 13 min readConspiracy TheoriesAs we begin the journey to unravel the enigma of Atlantis, we are reminded of the enduring power of myth and the allure of the unknown....
EmilyMay 11 min readConclusionAtlantis may be just a short allegory for most, but for the explorers and dreamers the lost continent has yet to be discovered. Whether...